Weight loss in Ventura and Los Angeles counties
Have diet and exercise plans failed you? Do you long for a healthier lifestyle? If so, you may be asking yourself if weight loss surgery is right for you.
The dedicated team of professionals at Los Robles Health System's Center for Weight Loss Surgery is committed to getting you on the right track. Going through weight loss surgery can be an important beginning to a permanent lifestyle change. It's most effective when you're dedicated to making a lifelong commitment.
For a referral to a bariatric surgeon or for more information, call our Consult-A-Nurse® line at (877) 888-5746.
Are you a candidate for weight loss surgery?
You must be 18 years old or older to qualify for weight loss surgery. You may be eligible for surgery if you either:
- Have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40
- Have a BMI greater than 35 with one or more serious health conditions related to obesity
- Can't achieve a healthy body weight for a long period of time, even with medical weight loss programs
Calculate your BMI
BMI Calculator
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems.
Your BMI Score is:

All information provided by this website is intended to be general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit with a health care professional. No information provided in this site may be considered medical advice. The information may not be relevant for your individual situation and may be misinterpreted. HCA assumes no responsibility for how you use information obtained from this site. Before making any decisions regarding your health care, ask your personal physician.
Bariatric procedures we perform
The Center for Weight Loss Surgery provides several options to meet your specific needs. Talk to your surgeon to identify the best option for you.
Gastric bypass
Also known as the Roux en-Y gastric bypass, this procedure creates a small gastric pouch and reroutes part of the small intestine. Gastric bypass helps you lose weight by restricting the amount of food that your stomach can hold and by reducing the number of calories your body can absorb. Many consider it the gold standard operation that other surgeries are compared to.
Sleeve gastrectomy
A sleeve gastrectomy, which is more commonly known as the “sleeve,” removes the hormonally active part of the stomach. This causes the remaining tubular segment to restrict the amount of food it takes to feel full.
It offers many of the benefits of the other procedures without much of their side effects. The long-term results of this operation are not clear but appear to be promising.
Gastric band
Laparoscopic adjustable bands are a popular weight loss surgery option. During the procedure, doctors place a silicone ring around the upper stomach. They can adjust the fit of the band over time to allow patients to feel a sense of fullness with less food. A gastric band procedure is completely reversible.
Revisional surgery
Doctors may have to perform revisional weight loss surgery if there is not enough weight loss or if problems occur from the original surgery.
Weight loss surgery FAQs
Do you have questions about bariatric surgery? We have the answers below.
What's the first step if I want to have weight loss surgery?
If you're interested in weight loss surgery, call our physician referral line, toll-free, at (877) 888-5746. Our team will answer your questions and provide you with further information regarding our program and bariatric surgeons.
What are the risks of weight loss surgery?
With all surgeries, there are risks you need to consider. During your appointment, your bariatric surgeon will review any individual risks with you.
Will I be able to exercise after my procedure?
Exercise plays a major role in maintaining weight loss. Your bariatric surgeon will help you create an exercise plan that's right for you following your surgical procedure.
How long will it take to recover from surgery?
Recovery from surgery varies on an individual basis and on the surgical procedure you're having. Your physician will go over your expected recovery time and the amount of time it will take for you to resume your daily activities.